Update- April & May 24 - Holmer Park
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Update- April & May 24

09 May 2024

Dear member,

This month, amongst other things, I wanted to use this platform to raise awareness of CPR and the use of defibrillators.

Did you know that defibrillators are designed to be used by untrained bystanders and we can all learn CPR in 15 minutes? Did you know that if defibrillation occurs within five minutes of cardiac arrest, the person has a survival chance of 50-70%. This decreases by 10% for every minute they are in cardiac arrest.

Many of you live in rural areas but do you know where your nearest defibrillator is? According to the National defib register, if you live in Moreton-On-Lugg did you know there is a public access defibrillator outside of the shop? If you live in Madley, did you know the tennis club and village hall both have a public access defibrillator? Or in Credenhill your nearest defibrillator is outside the Chippy. Why not visit the register now https://www.defibfinder.uk/ to find where your nearest defib is?

Last month we made a considerable donation to our local parish council towards the costs of a new defibrillator for our parish. That money has enabled a defib to be installed in Shelwick and the defib at Holmer Church to be repurposed for Public Access.

You can learn CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) in 15 minutes thanks to a free online course from the British Heart Foundation. In your lunch break at work or instead of flicking through all those pointless Facebook videos why not CLICK HERE NOW? You just never know when this skill could save a friend, a family member, a colleague or a stranger’s life.

It goes without saying that training for emergency situations is an important part of what we do. Our Duty Managers and lifeguards are trained in emergency First Aid and they practise CPR on a monthly basis. We have a defib Holmer Park (which we have made available to the public) and all our staff are trained specifically on how to use it.

Moving on, just a couple of things from me from me.

Showering before you swim- this is so important and you may remember that I have written about this many times before. We are currently dumping more water than usual and unfortunately this is directly linked to bathers not showering before using the swimming pool and spa pools. We will continue to do that as water quality is important to us but it means we are unnecessarily wasting water, heating water and adding more chemicals to the water. So far this year we have had almost 70,000 recorded visits and 95% of those visits have been member or guests of member visits so if you all supported this it would pretty much solve the problem. We will review how we raise awareness of this to guests of the day spa too. I trust you will support is in this request.  

Disabled Parking- Our disabled parking spaces are reserved for Blue Badge holders; those with needs that those parking space really do help. Please may I politely ask that if you park there that you display your blue badge? If those parking spaces are being used unnecessarily, it could make someone else’s visit much harder than it needs to be and, in some cases, prevent them from accessing the club at all.

I have recently left notes on a few cars but that does not seem to have really helped. It has been suggested by club members that we should appoint parking enforcement. That is the last thing I want to do but I also know how important those parking spaces are to some of our fellow members.

Thank you for being part of the Holmer Park family, see you in club soon.


From the Orchard Café

Sorry for the delay in the installation of our new coffee machine. We are working with a new provider for collecting payments and the admin for that as taken much longer than it should. As soon as we can get it working for you all, it will be on a making great coffee with our lovely James Gourmet Coffee beans.

From the Fitness Team


Our gym challenge this month is: How long can you hold a dead hang? See a member of the fitness team for more information and of course to have a go! There is a free smoothie up for grabs!

Have you used the InBody Scales yet? If not, you are missing out on so much data about yourself! You can use the Inbody scales by:

  • Creating a mywellness account here https://technogym.page.link/CWujasG5A8paFskz7 if you haven’t already got one
  • Logging into the console next to the scales
  • Selecting Inbody app
  • Step on and follow the steps
  • All the data will be shown on the console when the machine has finished analysing your body

At some gyms, this is a paid for service. You have constant, free access to it so please make sure you make the most of it!

Hello from the Spa

Our Serail Mud Chamber is now back in action after a closure for repairs and we are delighted to offer this fabulous treatment to our members for £49 for 2, Monday to Friday, this month only! To find out more about our Serail Mud Chamber, please visit https://www.holmerpark.co.uk/spa/treatments/serail-mud-chamber/ Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. T&Cs apply. If you would like to bring a non-member with you, they will need to pay the guest entry fee in addition.

You can also see this months member treatment offer by clicking the following https://www.holmerpark.co.uk/spa/offers/view/treatment-of-the-month-mediterranean-marinade/

Employee of the month

Congratulations to Spa Therapist Hannah who was nominated and won our team member of the month award this month. Congratulations and thank you for helping to make a difference to peoples lives!